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  • Writer's pictureNikki Latham

Barnstaple man jailed for brutal attack

A Barnstaple man who violently assaulted three strangers in Westwood Ho! has received a 15-year sentence.

Drew Davey, aged 26, of Greenbank Road, pleaded guilty to two counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and one count of causing actual bodily harm on 7th May at Exeter Crown Court.

His Honour Judge Climie confirmed that Davey was to receive a third off the 15-year sentence due to his early guilty plea meaning he will serve ten years. Upon release, he will also face three years on licence as he is deemed a dangerous offender.

The court heard how Davey had been out drinking before having an argument with his girlfriend. In the early hours of Wednesday 16 August 2023, he entered a property at random on Gold Links Road and attacked three of its residents in an aggressive and sustained assault.

Two of the victims were repeatedly hit over the head with a broom handle before Davey was disturbed by another resident who he then set upon. Although being injured himself, the victim managed to alert police.

Officers attended the scene within minutes and found two of the victims with significant head wounds and applied first aid. They were taken to hospital in a serious condition, where they remained for a number of weeks.

Davey was located in a garden close to the scene and arrested.

Deputy Senior Investigating officer DS John Crewe said: “My team and I welcome today’s sentence. Mr Davey subjected three completely innocent members of the public to a horrific, senseless, and brutal attack.
“Two of these men were already extremely vulnerable and it was luck more than judgement that these two men in particular didn’t lose their lives. They were left with severe injuries leaving them both in hospital for a number of weeks thereafter and with a catalogue of ongoing complications.
“I hope this sentence affords these men and their families a sense of justice of which they can try to rebuild their lives.
“I hope the result also reassures the public that such violent behaviour will not be tolerated, and we will hold offenders to account.
“Finally I would like to pay tribute to my team, and particularly the case officer DC James Punter, whom have collectively worked tirelessly on this investigation to achieve this outcome.”

This news story has been produced by Chesil Radio's News Team, for more information please visit:

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