Here at Chesil Radio we would like to confirm that our stories are local and/or written by our own team in house on subjects of additional interest, i.e. fibromyalgia, prostate cancer, etc, to raise awareness of these medical issues, etc. We do share these stories across our social media and where appropriate other news media's pages.

We receive official press releases, which we select from to bring you the best news possible, led by our Nikki, who is a qualified freelance journalist, and all stories are reviewed by our management team before publishing, hence it may take a couple of days, to release stories that we receive.
The police, ambulance and fire service stories are exactly as they are sent to us direct, with their supplied attached photos and videos, which you will only find on our Facebook page, to enable us to amend/update and/or delete at their request as their stories progress.

Our news team are always happy to receive stories about local news, events, etc at, but please be aware that if there is more than one party involved in your story, we will only publish once the right to reply from the other party has been received. In many of these cases, that may mean that we are unable to publish, even though the story may be out in the public domain and/or social media, unless we have the confirmed facts of both sides of a story, we do not publish it.
We only have the highest standard of news coverage, and although we may share other news sources on our social media, we do consider these also before posting there too.
For any further clarification please contact:, who is the station owner of Chesil Radio.

This news story has been produced by Chesil Radio's News Team, for more information please visit: